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In the healthcare industry, whether you are a healthcare provider, healthcare lead generation publisher, or anyone in between, your corporate culture could not be more important or potentially more expensive. Your office environment affects your team’s work, which has a real-life impact on your consumers’ health and your profitability. But creating a good corporate culture can be incredibly costly and difficult.

In the Gallup Management Journal, 54% of U.S. employees were in a corporate culture that they were not engaged with. Even more shocking is the whopping 17% that were actively disengaged, meaning that they acted out and made their culture unhealthier.

Create a corporate culture on the cheap with these 5 secrets. If your team is smiling, your customers will be too. It is as simple as that.

1. Open Your Door (and Your Ears)

Listening to your employees may seem obvious but you may be shocked at how often this simple act is ignored. When patents, healthcare legislation, and advertising campaigns are flying by, it is tempting to shut your door just so that you can concentrate on your work. But this act shows your employees that they are not worth your time.

Empower your employees by making them feel valuable because they are important to you and your company. Studies show over and over again that employees that feel cherished are more productive and work harder. Sacrifice a few minutes of your time. It is free, and you will see that investment returned many times over.

2. …But Do Not Forget That Nine Letter Phrase

“Thank you” is an incredibly powerful phrase that is forgotten far too often. Positive feedback shows your employees that they are doing good work. Thanking your team costs you nothing but it will motivate them to continue that level of excellence. These quick words will increase the quality of your healthcare offerings, which can result in greater demand from healthcare clients and a boost to your ROI.

At Prizm Media, we give “kudos” every week during our office-wide meetings when we congratulate team members who do an extra great job that week. It is a little thing, and it takes no time at all, but we know our employees appreciate being appreciated.

3. Give Growth, Get Gains

Rewarding fantastic work also comes in the form of promoting from inside your company. Employees who feel they are likely to receive an upgraded title and salary will dedicate themselves far more than employees who do not see any chance of moving forwards in their career. Keeping employees for the long-term also maintains retention rates, which will actually save you money by avoiding training and turnover costs.

We have had great success promoting from within our team. Nikhil Mathew, Prizm Media’s Director of Operations, began as a Marketing Coordinator and was quickly promoted to an executive role. He is now a keystone of our leadership team who excels at bridging our IT and Operations Departments.

4. Do Benefits Really Benefit Corporate Culture?

Benefits can be very helpful for attracting and retaining employees but are they essential to keeping your staff and corporate culture happy?

Yes and no. Health plans and bonuses can be expensive and they do not guarantee you will have a great workplace environment. You can spend thousands on perks but if your team does not feel appreciated, that money will be wasted. Whether you have a large or conservative budget, put in your time, smiles, and these inexpensive secrets into your company and you will see a difference in your culture.

5. Remember, You Are Doing Good!

Being in the healthcare industry means that you are doing good. Every task that your staff completes goes towards making the world a healthier place, whether you are in publishing, advertising, or providing health goods and services. Few human resources tools lead to a better corporate culture than a powerful company vision. Make sure your team believes in their work. It is free and one of the best ways you can optimize your corporate culture and your bottom line.

Remember, it does not have to cost a lot to build a corporate culture you can be proud of. A happy team creates great work, which creates happy customers – which, at the end of the day, is all we in the healthcare industry really want.