The market for senior pharmacy leads is rich with potential but focusing on a specific demographic can be a blessing and a curse. Knowing your mail order pharmacy target audience is crucial to an effective marketing campaign but one foul move and you could miss your sales goal. Follow these 5 secrets to convert your senior pharmacy leads.

1. What Drives Pharmacy Leads’ Motivations?

Older consumers tend to appreciate their independence, financial security, and family more than any other demographics, as cited by Senior Living Magazine. Keep these motivators ready when converting your senior pharmacy leads to see your audience response and sales skyrocket.

a) Independence

Aging can be a difficult process and many older consumers experience a loss of independence, whether they require increased care, need more health services, are less mobile, or are experiencing another restricting lifestyle change. This drives seniors to safeguard their freedom more than most demographics. Because mail order pharmacies make pharmaceutical services accessible to anyone in almost any location, emphasizing how your company makes healthcare more accessible is an easy sell for consumers looking to overcome potential limitations in their lives.

b) Relationships

Personal relationships, especially within the family, are a primary concern for many seniors. Older people treasure time with their loved ones and any service that will increase that time has incredible saleability. Mail order pharmacies reduce the hours it takes to travel to a pharmacy, order, process, and pay for pharmaceutical goods and prescriptions. Highlighting that your company will help increase their ability to bond with loved ones will result in a pick up of consumers and conversion.

c) Financial Security

Seniors also veer towards being financially conservative and stress security when making important decisions. It is probable that they are living on a pension or set retirement fund and are protective of their savings. Frame your sales pitches around the cost-effectiveness of your pharmacy services and you are far more likely to see a rise in purchases from these cautious consumers.

2. Did You Remember the Generational Gap?

It is necessary to remember that seniors also have different values than younger demographics. Older generations grew up with a greater emphasis on providing for the next generation and are likely to save money with their family members in mind. In your marketing campaigns, concentrate on your services’ affordability and family values to boost your appeal.

3. Are You Maximizing Your Media?

Mobile apps, freemium games, and viral campaigning can be incredibly effective but one size definitely does not fit all when it comes to senior sales. Pharmacy lead generation is a great way to increase conversion but not all marketing companies are the same. You will see much better conversion rates if you choose a lead generation company that uses media that older consumers are proven to pay attention to. Make sure to consult with your marketing company to ensure that your budget is being put to good use.

a) Newspapers

While newspaper readers are decreasing across the board, older consumers are one of the few demographics who continue to keep up with the paper. According to the Pew Research Journalism Project, daily newspaper readership for seniors has declined the least in the 65 year old or older category.

There are also papers specifically targeted towards older people. These magazines, flyers, and more are often found in community centers, health service centers, doctor offices, and other areas with significant senior traffic.

With this older audience, newspapers and other publications can yield a big bang for your marketing budget.

b) Television

Television also has a significant senior viewership and it is worth taking a look at whether this medium is right for your pharmacy. Though commercial advertisements can be viewed as being expensive, there are firms that offer advertising co-ops where you can benefit immediately from inquiries without the large costs of production or media buys.

c) Social Media

While traditional marketing can make or break an efficient lead generation campaign targeted at seniors, newer advertising methods should not be completely ignored. After all, according to Forbes, the 74 year old and older demographic is the fastest growing in social networks. While print and television have an audience of older consumers, social media can still have a place in senior-centric lead generation.

4. Do They Trust You?

Trustworthiness is key when it comes to converting senior pharmacy leads. When people are using your pharmacy services, they are putting their number one asset in your hands: their health. Because older consumers value security and relationships so much, your sales will be hugely influenced by the confidence of your audience. Ask yourself what you offer that provides safety to your consumers. Person-to-person communication, warrantees, money-back guarantees, and certified security measures for their personal information are invaluable when appealing to a risk averse audience.

5. K.I.S.S.

While these tips are proven to push pharmacy lead conversion skyward, it is equally important to remember K.I.S.S.: Keep It Simple, Silly. Though their concerns and values may be slightly different than the general market, at the end of the day, seniors are just like everyone else. If your mail order pharmacy offers a great service, you have compliant leads in your sales pipeline, and you truly sell like you mean it, you will find success with your lead generation campaign.