5 Tips to Converting Urinary Catheter Leads with Kindness

There is nothing wrong with using a urinary catheter, but it is a truth that is hard to accept for many patients. There is an unfair prejudice surrounding this medical device that is out of touch with the current needs of the population. In reality, large-scale health demands have created a urinary catheter market that is estimated to reach 2.37 billion dollars by 2020.

Urinary Catheter Leads

Over 200 million people have health issues that require urinary catheterization, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Still, despite the widespread need for the medical device, some people may put off or avoid purchasing a urinary catheter because of its stigma. Other people may simply not know how or where they should purchase it.

With this many people in need, it would seem that an HME/DME provider would inevitably be successful, except that is not always the case. The incredible demand for these devices has led to a wealth of supply manufactured and sold from around the world. HME/DME competition has never been more fierce in this growing market.

But being in the healthcare industry is about more than just sales. It is vital to remember that having to use this medical device is still a sensitive subject for many patients. Convert urinary catheter leads with kindness using these 5 tips.

1. Sales Leads are Patients Too

Behind all businesses is the knowledge that profit is necessary to stay afloat. This certainty even applies to healthcare businesses, no matter how good their intentions are. When balancing balance sheets and cash flow charts, it is easy to forget that sales leads are also patients who need help.

While the HME/DME client base is made up of consumers, they are first and foremost patients who require a vital medical product. Make obtaining the urinary catheter a simple process. If there are additional opportunities to convert a sale, make the patient aware of them, but avoid pushing them in an already-stressful situation. They will appreciate being treated as more than just leads, and will be more likely to refer the business to their loved ones.

2. Provide Great Service

Hiring kind people is the best way to provide kind customer service, which goes a long way to selling this sensitive medical device. While it can be difficult to find genuinely empathetic and engaged employees, the resulting patient satisfaction and productivity are worth it.

Buying a urinary catheter can be a difficult time for many patients. It is a significant investment, and they may feel flustered about needing the medical device. It is important to offer supportive customer service that will help them during the purchasing process. If employees are understanding, patients are more likely to follow from sales lead to conversion.

Creating a healthy team is great for businesses’ bottom lines too. Companies with engaged employees outperform companies with disengaged employees by 202% while very engaged employees are 38% more likely to outperform in productivity. With these statistics, it is difficult to argue with the effects of an excellent team.

3. Confidentiality is Key

Though urinary catheters are increasingly common, there is still a negative connotation with using one. Patients may feel embarrassed about needing the medical device or be unwilling to speak about it with their loved ones, let alone a stranger. That is why HME/DME providers need to reassure patients that their confidentiality is guaranteed.

Limiting contact to phone calls and mail if requested, delivering packages in plain paper and with no labels, and providing a confidentiality guarantee will go a long way to being seen as a trustworthy HME/DME provider.

4. Offer Information

The healthcare industry is confusing for many people, even patients who regularly use healthcare services and devices. Some patients may be relatively unfamiliar with urinary catheters or may never have seen the medical device up close before.

Offering information about urinary catheters that patients of every age can understand will lead to a much happier sale. Diagrams, visual instructions, large print, and plain language are great features that will tempt a nervous first-time patient. When they discover how straightforward using urinary catheters are with that information, they will be more likely to return as repeat purchasers and refer others as well.

5. Remember Respect

Above all, respect the patients first. Needing and purchasing a urinary catheter is a hard process that many people struggle with. It is not easy to have a bladder condition that requires the use of this stigmatized medical device. Be kind and be thoughtful – because the healthcare industry is about helping people, no matter what.

Using a healthcare lead generation company is one of the easiest, efficient, and powerful ways to generate high-quality leads to increase conversion.

Get more ideas from our article on the top 5 trends to improve the patient experience.

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