business team group jumping for success

In the latest “State of the American Workplace” report, Gallup Research discovered that 70% of workers were either not engaged or actively disengaged at work. This statistic may mean that well over half of your office doesn’t want to be at work! But it’s not too late to change how your staff feels. Keep reading to learn the benefits of employee engagement and some cost-effective ways to get your team back on track.

Increased customer satisfaction, higher retention, and raised profitability are all associated with elevated levels of employee engagement. When staff are genuinely enthusiastic and involved, they will proactively act to further the interests of their company, from being more productive to adding positivity to the corporate culture. Boosting employee engagement doesn’t even have to be an expensive undertaking either. There are many ways you can increase engagement economically or even for free.

1. Empower Your Employees
Empowering your employees is one of the most powerful abilities you have as a leader. Establishing free lines of communication, being clear about what their roles and responsibilities are, and giving them some independence can have an incredible impact on job productivity and morale. One way to start is to implement regular sessions for feedback and welcome open conversations about the workplace so that your employees know that you value their opinions and them as individuals. Give them confidence by explicitly defining what their roles and responsibilities are and, above all else, avoid micromanaging. By giving them some free reign to accomplish their tasks, you’ll find that their jobs and yours will be much more enjoyable.

2. Create a Community
Building a workplace community that your employees want to be a part of can help stop your employees from dreading Monday mornings. Adding some fun to your meetings, having regular potluck lunches together, and hosting family-friendly activities outside of work will increase the positive atmosphere of your office. Encouraging your employees to feel like they’re a part of a team and a community will make your workplace a more positive place, increasing engagement and retention.

3. Provide Necessary Resources
It’s also important to provide resources that your employees need to do their work well so that they feel confident and capable in their abilities to carry out their job. Doing this can be as inexpensive as having an “open door” policy so that your employees can ask you questions or as long-term as investing in their professional development through workshops and external course bursaries.

4. Share Your Vision
No one wants to feel like a hamster spinning endlessly on a wheel without any direction or progress. Sharing your vision for your company can be the difference between apathy and excitement for an employee. Get them interested in how your company began, what its purpose is, and the good that comes from it. In digital health and direct response lead generation, we emphasize that every generated lead connects a health and wellness provider with someone who needs their help. Our employees know that we are ultimately making the world a healthier place. The key is to find your company’s story and make your employees feel like they’re contributing to it.

5. Don’t Forget Positive Reinforcement!
Positive reinforcement can get lost in the shuffle of daily deadlines and big projects. However, it’s vital to remember to show your employees that you appreciate all their hard work. A few words can make or break their day so take the time to make them feel like they’re adding to the team by saying “thank you.”

Another great way to raise employee engagement is by keeping your sales team busy raking in sales with digital health and direct response leads. Contact Prizm Media today to get started at [email protected] or (604) 326-0096!